Monday, November 2, 2009

Marriage: A Mirage

A couple of days ago, I heard my aunt telling us her perception of a love marriage. A couple meets, falls in love. The two spend a lot of time together, knowing each other, talking. And most of the times they end up marrying each other. The next morning, he cooks a breakfast of eggs and toast for her. And she wakes up to tell him that she is hates bread in the morning. All this while, they never spoke of their differnces, they were so head-over-heels in love with each other. He suddenly realizes that she does not dress to the occasion. All through their courtship, he had never noted what she wore, she looked beautiful anyway. These small differences, or awakenings, start gnawing at the foundation of their happy life. My aunt was quick to conclude that love marriages are failures.

It made me think if she was indeed right. It is true that people in love tend to ignore each other's flaws. They like to think they have chosen the perfect person. Marriage acts as an eye-opener. He realizes that the lady of his dreams cooks to kill, her sparkling prattle is useless banter and she is obssessed enough to turn his happy home to an institution. She wakes up to a not-so-dashing knight-in-armour, a lazy idiot who spends the entire weekend watching senseless football and never lends a hand at home. He hates her arguments, she hates his drinking, he loathes her friends, she despises his relatives. The list of complaints goes on.

What makes or breaks the marriage is what couples do with the list. They may decide to fight each point out, matching word for blow. Its quick, its simple and it always has a winner. And a loser too. It is a recipe for disaster. For, it not only cooks a stew of satisfaction and an instant vent to all pent up frustration, but also brews a sediment of ill-will. The leftovers are unpalatable and you are bound to wake up the next morning ready to throw up.

Or couples may decide to sort the points into silly, sillier and silliest. Some of them will help them have long discussions on evenings, some for senseless arguments in bed and the rest can be used readily for a hearty laugh.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Quarter Life Crisis

The time when our parents were just out of their shells and learning to savour life, we are worrying our hearts out. Welcome to quarter-life crisis!
Everyone who is on the verge of hitting 25 is struggling to understand what is going on in his life.

You know you are suffering from quarter-life-crisis if
  1. You wake up and wonder why you are still alive.
  2. Sleep evades you at night (you sleep through the day).
  3. You spend your day in introspection.
  4. You are bored with everything, been-there-done-that.
  5. Orkut and Facebook are your favourite hang-outs (even they are boring, but are they not a part of routine??)
  6. Every long lost aunt you meet seems to be worried that you are not married yet.
  7. Every friend you know is either committed or engaged or married, and you are not.
  8. You are too bored to flirt or date or even look around.
  9. You think you are in love, but don't want to be.
  10. Your parents seem to have a different mother tongue.
  11. You are perennially irritated, everything from your best friend to the dog on the street seems to be getting on your nerves.
  12. You engage in soliloquy.
  13. You feel you have neither a past nor a future, and even the present seems to be ephemeral.
  14. You suddenly start counting your sins as if judgement day is tomorrow and you have to make a presentation.
  15. You turn to spirituality.
  16. You start counselling friends and colleagues.
  17. You find nothing better to write than 'quarter life crisis'.